Saturday, September 12, 2009

9 Miles

Today we ran nine miles and it was a doozy. I started the morning having the feeling that I had forgotten something. But I couldn't figure it out. Never did really. I didn't get breakfast, but instead had a chew. I wouldn't recommend it again though. I was hungry by 1 mile.

Got to Rillito about 545 for the 6 o'clock run and did some stretching. Started running and my ipod kept saying that it was stopping my workout... apparently my nike+ sensor ran out of battery. :(

I didn't get to record the run on my ipod, and didn't have Lance Armstrong telling me that I had reached 3 miles with 6 miles left. Would have been neat. The first two miles I struggled a little bit, my shins were tight and I could feel tightness all throughout. Even my shoulders. Also, my face started itching... not a good sign for someone who has a food sensitivity.
Got to Brandi Fenton park and started feeling much better. I finally got into my stride and made it the next two miles to Campbell without a problem. I stopped just for a minute and refueled for the second time. Face still itching.

Made it back to Brandi Fenton without any problems. I felt really good and I even caught up with a group of girls that were running ahead of me. After I left I started feeling tired. I knew there was just over two miles to go and so I had to push through. I made it to mile 8 and then it became a mind game. I really struggled for the last mile. Plus at this point I had already gotten sick, in my mouth, twice. Itching and getting sick equal allergy for me.

Finished in 1:37.

I got back to the start, got electrolytes, stretched and then said bye to Missy. If I didn't leave then and get an allergy pill, I was going to heave everywhere. sorry.

My shins and knees are sore. I think my knees are sore because I need new shoes. I've definitely worn these ones down and I can feel it. Overall a good run, but I need to make sure to get in two other runs this week, other than the Wednesday runs. 10 miles next weekend and I want it to feel good.

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